We are currently looking for new committee members! If you are interested in applying, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with any of the committee members!
The MCR is run by a vibrant and active committee. The committee plans events and represents the post-graduate community to the college, student union and wider university. We are very happy to field questions from students who are considering applying to Worcester College. We promise we are lovely to speak with! If you don’t see your question covered by a specific committee member, please contact our president using mcr.president@worc.ox.ac.uk.
Committee Positions
Executive Committee
Vice President Treasurer
Vice President Community
Vice President Equality and Diversity
Vice President Entertainment/Entz
Secretary (non-voting member of committee)
Welfare Reps (up to 3)
Bar Manager
Accommodation and Food Officer
IT Officer
Charities Officer
Education Officer
Environment Representative
Sport Officer
Franks Society Officer
Entz Officer (x2)
Arts Officer
Women’s Representative
Disabilities Representative
LGBTQ+/Queer Representative
Bame Representative
Trans Representative
Non-Executive Committee
Relevant Documents
For more information about any of the roles, please see this list of roles and responsibilities